Command Line Interface

The main command is:


Use -h or --help to list all possible arguments:

>square -h

Only the spectral library file is a required argument. An example:

>square "C:\Users\...\Data\spectral_library.sli"

All the other inputs are optional. Use --reflectance-scale to set the reflectance scale factor. It can also be automatically derived from the library image as 1, 1 000 or 10 000:

>square "C:\Users\...\Data\spectral_library.sli" --reflectance-scale 255

By default, the constraints are set at -0.05 (minimum fraction), 1.05 (maximum fraction) and 0.025 (maximum RMSE). Use --min-fraction, --max-fraction and --max-rmse arguments to change these values. To set no constraint for a given variable, use the value -9999. To use no constraints at all, use the argument -u or --unconstrained:

>square "C:\Users\...\Data\spectral_library.sli" --max-fraction 1.10 --max-rmse -9999
>square "C:\Users\...\Data\spectral_library.sli" -u

By default, the constraints are used in reset mode (see explanations before). To turn this option off, use the argument -r or --reset-off:

>square "C:\Users\...\Data\spectral_library.sli" -r

By default, the output file is stored in the same folder as the input file, with the extension ‘_sq.sqr’. To select another file or another location, use the argument -o or --output:

>square "C:\Users\...\Data\spectral_library.sli" -o "C:\Users\...\Desktop\square_array.sqr"

By default, the following metrics are added to the output: RMSE and Constraints. The Fractions, Shade Fraction and Spectral Angle are not included by default. Use the following arguments are to reverse these settings: --exclude-rmse, --exclude-constraints, --include-fractions, --include-shade, --include-angle:

>square "C:\Users\...\Data\spectral_library.sli" --include-fractions --include-angle

Issue Tracker:

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